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Building blocks

The Building Blocks provides an introduction to the Model of Care, it features a smaller number of core characteristics designed to improve access and outcomes, including a focus on digital health, addressing same day acute demand and consumer experiences and engagement as well as focusing on planned and proactive care.

Practices may choose to implement some or all the building blocks, choosing aspects that fit the needs of its community/whānau. The model is not one size fits all, instead it is one that is flexible and adaptive and can be implemented within many diverse practices/PHOs.

By firstly implementing the MoC building blocks into practices, this provides a gateway to the full HCH programme, allowing a gradual transition to the full HCH model. Practices typically incorporate the model over a period of time at a pace that suits their practice and workforce environment.

Building Blocks Requirements

Want to know more, download the Building Blocks of Health Care Home which details 12 characteristics to focus on when you start your journey.

Interactive Building Blocks

The HCH Building Blocks Interactive Model of Care includes a vast set of resources to support the implementation of the model.

How to Get Started

Are you ready to make a change? Send a request through and one of team will be in touch to discuss starting your journey.

Dr Andy Williams,

Feilding Health Care

Doctor Andy Williams at Feilding Health Care believes the HCH model of care works best when the clinician knows their patients. “If you know the patient, you can take the history over the phone, which means you just need to carry out the clinical examination upon arrival. It’s a more efficient way of operating.” One of the requirements of the HCH model, GP triage checks that the GP is available to their patients via phone for a specified time slot each day. This ensures continuity of care and more efficient patient management. The GPs are also encouraged to take ownership of their appointment books so that they have more control over their day, something Andy describes as essential to making the model work. He also believes the introduction of the patient portal re-establishes the patient/doctor relationship, by increasing patients’ direct access to their doctor, however it’s important the Doctor is already familiar with the patient before engaging these services.

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