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Model of Care

Focused on delivering sustainable, modern programmes, Collaborative Aotearoa have two key programmes within Health Care Home.

The Enhanced Model of Care encompasses 38 characteristics, and the Building Blocks narrows this to the 12 key characteristics for practices starting out on their journey.

The models flexible and adaptive, practices are encouraged to choose the aspects that for the needs of its community/whānau.

Enhanced Model Of Care

The Enhanced Model of Care is a practical whānau-centric approach to modernisation of primary care, leading to a better patient and staff experience enhanced quality of care, and improved sustainability.

We continually review and refine the Health Care Home Model of Care to ensure that it improves patient/whānau care and health outcomes. The enhanced Model of Care was introduced to the sector in October 2020 and focused on embracing Māori models of health and its domains relate to Māori world views and deliver tangible benefits for Māori and other priority populations. For that reason, it is framed in the context of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Wai 2575, Pae Ora and Whānau Ora.

Our Building Blocks

The Building Blocks provides an introduction to the Model of Care, it features a smaller number of core characteristics designed to improve access and outcomes, including a focus on digital health and an extended practice team, as well as focusing on planned and proactive care.

Practices may choose to implement some or all the building blocks, choosing aspects that fit the needs of its community/whānau. This is not a one size fits all model of care but one that is flexible and adaptive.

Dr Andrew Miller,

GP Bush Road Medical

I really like the idea of revisiting the concept of risk stratification. Even renaming the element to "opportunity stratification" would change the mindset of seeing patients as "risks". We should be looking for opportunities to find out "what matters to people" and engage with people to try and resolve the things that are getting in the way of well being.

This means looking a data that sits outside of health and takes into consideration the social determinants that impact on well being. It also means having care planning that starts with social determinants and patient activation measures before making our business as usual medical model plans.

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