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Towards Personalised Mood Prediction and Explanation for Depression Biophysical Data

Research Article – Digital health applications using Artificial Intelligence (AI) are a promising opportunity to address the widening gap between available resources and mental health needs globally.  Researchers: Frederick Sundram, Sobhan Chatterjee, Jyoti Mishra and Partha Roop  

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Posted: May 2, 2024Category:

Harnessing Technology To Predict Asthma Attacks

Imagine a future where you wake in the morning and your smart phone beeps with your daily asthma forecast. Senior research fellow Dr Amy Chan is working towards making that a reality.

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Posted: May 2, 2024Category:

NHH Evaluation Report Third Year: Achievements & Reflections August 2020

Posted: December 15, 2021Category:

Health Care Home in the Southern district: Implementation experiences and reflections from the early adopter practices

Posted: December 15, 2021Category:

Research – Risk Prediction background

Current literature or research

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

Research – Effects and costs

Current literature or research

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

Lit Search Team Culture and Patient Outcomes

Literature search on team/organisation culture and patient outcomes

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

The effectiveness of continuous quality improvement for developing professional practice and improving health care outcomes

Research Article

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

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