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HCH Leads

Health Care Home Leads are an important part of the Health Care Home journey.

Collaborative Aotearoa rely on the sharing of information across PHOs and meet and kōroro regularly to ensure that support, guidance and information is shared in a safe and collaborative manner.

HCH Leads

Jeane Rossiter

Health Care Home Programme Lead, Western BOP Primary Health Organisation

Jeane Rossiter

Health Care Home Programme Lead, Western BOP Primary Health Organisation

Sara Aprea

HCH Programme Lead, ProCare

Sara Aprea

HCH Programme Lead, ProCare

Dr. Andrew Miller

Clinical Lead, Northland DHB

Dr. Andrew Miller

Clinical Lead, Northland DHB

Mary-Ann Clueard

HCH Programme Lead, MahiTahi

Mary-Ann Clueard

HCH Programme Lead, MahiTahi

Linda Hill

Director of Nursing Practice, Nurse Maude

Linda Hill

Director of Nursing Practice, Nurse Maude

HCH Programme Lead, Tū Ora Compass Health

HCH Programme Lead, Tū Ora Compass Health

HCH Programme Lead, Marlborough Primary Health

HCH Programme Lead, Marlborough Primary Health

HCH Programme Lead, Nelson Bays Primary Health

HCH Programme Lead, Nelson Bays Primary Health

Dr Andrew Miller,

GP Bush Road Medical

I really like the idea of revisiting the concept of risk stratification. Even renaming the element to "opportunity stratification" would change the mindset of seeing patients as "risks". We should be looking for opportunities to find out "what matters to people" and engage with people to try and resolve the things that are getting in the way of well being.

This means looking a data that sits outside of health and takes into consideration the social determinants that impact on well being. It also means having care planning that starts with social determinants and patient activation measures before making our business as usual medical model plans.

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