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A Guide for General Practices Employing a Paramedic or Extended Care Paramedic

This resource has been created to support General Practices when employing a paramedic or Extended Care Paramedic (ECP) into their practice. It has been developed by Collaborative Aotearoa through collaboration with various partners across the health sector, as outlined in Acknowledgments section.

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Posted: May 24, 2024Category:

GPNZ Inbox Management Webinars

In 2023 GPNZ delivered three webinars on the topic of inbox management. Sessions were recorded and you can view them via this link.  Workforce  Technology advancements Medico-legal perspectives 

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Posted: April 4, 2024Category:

Clinical Assistant Delegation Policy and Framework 2023

Credit: Tū Ora Compass Health 2023 Clinical Assistant Delegation Policy and Framework. A role design to help General Practice teams with inbox management reports and more.

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Posted: February 5, 2024Category:

Clinical Assistant Position Description

A job description Template outlining the responsibilities of the Clinical Assistant role.

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Posted: April 22, 2022Category:

Health Care Home Clinical Assistant Presentation 2022

Credit: Tū Ora Compass Health – A short presentation on the Clinical Assistant role as part of the Health Care Home. 

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Posted: April 22, 2022Category:

PCPA Education Pathway


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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

PCPA Introduction Presentation


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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

Draft SLA for Clinical Pharmacists

Draft SLA for Clinical Pharmacists

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

Health Coach Competency Tool

Competency Tools

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

Health Improvement Practitioner Core Competency Tool

Competency Tools

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Posted: September 30, 2021Category:

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