Harnessing Technology To Predict Asthma Attacks
Imagine a future where you wake in the morning and your smart phone beeps with your daily asthma forecast. Senior research fellow Dr Amy Chan is working towards making that a reality.
Imagine a future where you wake in the morning and your smart phone beeps with your daily asthma forecast. Senior research fellow Dr Amy Chan is working towards making that a reality.
NZ Telehealth Forum and Resource Centre in Partnership with the DHA. The Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) working group’s mahi has culminated in the publication of the Aotearoa New Zealand Remote Patient Monitoring Guide 2023. The guide aims to support best practice adoption of RPM and to be a living document that will evolve to guide ...
Patient Portal Terms and Conditions Template resource as a starter for practices who will need to modify it for how they use the portal.
Credit: Tū Ora Compass Health – Health Care Home Patient Partnership and Engagement Resource Framework. Supporting Resource includes templates and guidance
A tool for patients to gauge where they fall within the various areas of hauora.
How to set up and run Patient & Whānau Advisory Groups
How to set up and run Patient & Whānau Advisory Groups
How to set up and run Patient & Whānau Advisory Groups
How to set up and run Patient & Whānau Advisory Groups
How to set up and run Patient & Whānau Advisory Groups