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Mana Enhancing Debt Management webinar 23rd April 2024

Debt management presents a significant challenge for general practice, affecting both patients and healthcare providers. This recorded webinar adopts a proactive approach, focusing on preventive measures and prioritizing people’s well-being. The panel for this session includes speakers with expertise in clinical and practice management, firsthand experience, and representatives from the Ministry of Social Development.

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Posted: April 22, 2024Category:

Leadership at the Grassroots – Helmut Modlik – Symposium 2022

Helmut Modlik (Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira) presents on how to deliver genuine change through leading from the grassroots, and gives his thoughts on what’s required for the health sector to thrive with the upcoming health reforms.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Future of General Practice in a Locality Setting – Hon Minister Andrew Little – Symposium 2022

The Honourable Minister of Health Andrew Little presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on the future of general practice, with a specific locality focus.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Effective Community Engagement – Alexandra Nicholas – Symposium 2022

Auckland based community organiser Alexandra Nicholas presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on her mahi, and how to effectively and authentically engage with communities.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Bringing Pae Ora to Life – Dr Dougal Thorburn – Symposium 2022

Dr Dougal Thorburn presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on how we can bring Pae Ora to life through the upcoming health reforms.   Presentation Slides – Dougal Thorburn

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Locality Prototypes – Martin Hefford – Symposium 2022

Martin Hefford presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on the locality prototypes brought in with the New Zealand health reforms.   Presentation Slides – Martin Hefford

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Elevating Whānau Voice – Gary Sutcliffe, Merle Samuels, Karōria Johns – Symposium 2022

Our amazing lived experience advisors Gary Sutcliffe, Whaea Merle Samuels, and Karōria Johns, facilitated by Alexandra Nicholas, discuss the ways in which practices can uplift and whakamana whānau voice at the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Working in Partnership for Tangata Whenua Wellbeing – Shirleyanne Brown – Symposium 2022

Shirleyanne Brown presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on authentically partnering for tangata whenua wellbeing. Presentation Slides – Shirleyanne Brown

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Webinar | Managing your wellbeing over the festive season | 25 Nov 2020

Practical ideas and tools to maintain the mental and physical wellbeing of you and your team over December and January. Webinar Slides Five ways to wellbeing

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Posted: October 29, 2021Category:

Webinar | How the HCH model is changing the landscape in how primary care is provided | 28 Oct 2020

Did you know there are different options in how you can engage with your doctor and healthcare team? This webinar covers some of the different methods available and the ways in which is changing the ways in how general practices are providing whānau/patient care. Practical examples given to improve access and how this will support ...

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Posted: October 29, 2021Category:

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