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Peer Learning Session 16 July 2024

Watch this Peer group recording on how this framework is summarised as a flexible, six-step, values-based framework which ensures that community and whānau are at the centre of (re)designing equitable health and wellbeing services in a genuine, purposeful partnership. A key difference of this co-design framework from Euro-centric approaches is its foundation in values and ...

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Posted: July 22, 2024Category:

Leadership at the Grassroots – Helmut Modlik – Symposium 2022

Helmut Modlik (Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira) presents on how to deliver genuine change through leading from the grassroots, and gives his thoughts on what’s required for the health sector to thrive with the upcoming health reforms.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Future of General Practice in a Locality Setting – Hon Minister Andrew Little – Symposium 2022

The Honourable Minister of Health Andrew Little presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on the future of general practice, with a specific locality focus.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Effective Community Engagement – Alexandra Nicholas – Symposium 2022

Auckland based community organiser Alexandra Nicholas presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on her mahi, and how to effectively and authentically engage with communities.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Locality Prototypes – Martin Hefford – Symposium 2022

Martin Hefford presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on the locality prototypes brought in with the New Zealand health reforms.   Presentation Slides – Martin Hefford

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Elevating Whānau Voice – Gary Sutcliffe, Merle Samuels, Karōria Johns – Symposium 2022

Our amazing lived experience advisors Gary Sutcliffe, Whaea Merle Samuels, and Karōria Johns, facilitated by Alexandra Nicholas, discuss the ways in which practices can uplift and whakamana whānau voice at the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022.

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Working in Partnership for Tangata Whenua Wellbeing – Shirleyanne Brown – Symposium 2022

Shirleyanne Brown presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on authentically partnering for tangata whenua wellbeing. Presentation Slides – Shirleyanne Brown

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

Helen Robinson’s Presentation on Authentic Collaboration – Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022

Auckland City Missioner Helen Robinson presents on Authentic Collaboration, with a focus on the creation of the HomeGround base and it’s interactions, both historic and contemporary, with the Auckland community. Presentation Slides – Helen Robinson

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Posted: October 4, 2022Category:

HCH Peer Session | Health Coach and Health Improvement Practitioner Roles | 19 July 2022

Mel Juer presents a HCH Peer Session on utilising the Health Coach and Health Improvement Practitioner roles in General Practice.

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Posted: August 11, 2022Category:

Webinar | Consumer Engagement and Involvement in Primary Care | 29 Apr 2021

Understanding the importance of engaging with consumers in developing and delivering health care services. Anthony Hill as the keynote speaker will discuss a framework for delivering patient-centred care that includes cultural engagement and involvement. Learn more about partnering with patients and consumers and gathering whanau voice in planning and delivering high quality primary care services. ...

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Posted: October 29, 2021Category:

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