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Collaborative Aotearoa are continually developing resources to facilitate your journey to become a Health Care Home.

Find tools, templates, plans, and presentations to support PHOs and practices as they navigate the implementation of the health care home characteristics.

Interactive MoC

The Interactive Model of Care includes a vast set of resources to support the implementation of the model – this easy access approach to tool and resources supports change at scale and pace across our network.

Building Blocks

The Interactive Building Blocks Model of Care includes a vast set of resources to support the implementation of the model – this easy access approach to tool and resources supports change at scale and pace across our network specific to the 12 building block characteristics

Collective Action for Communities

View the range of resources for Collective Action for Communities.


Find out more about how a patient or a practice experience the Health Care Home Model of Care.


Access our comprehensive range of webinars on a vast range of topics.


Looking for information on a specific topic or want to know if we have a presentation available then visit our searchable library.


56 Male

While away on holiday, Bruce presented to A&E with stomach pain. When he returned to his hometown, he called his GP who ordered a colonoscopy and CT scan over the phone. Within 24 hours of having the tests done, Bruce was able to access his test results via ManageMyHealth.

“By giving us the information, it actually makes me really aware of my health. It’s like getting ownership of my own health.”

“We like to travel around in our caravan, so the app means we can be anywhere in NZ or Australia and still get the results from any procedures”

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