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Virtual Consults with Indici – Provider Instructions

Indici how to guides on setting up and conducting virtual consults: Provider Instructions

GP Appointment Book Example

Example of a GP Appointment book

Patient experiences of Telehealth during lockdown

Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

Patients First – Technical Considerations Guide

Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

Policy for telephone and e-consults

Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

HHB Telehealth Policy Example

Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

RNZCGP Position Statement on Telehealth

Telehealth-position-statement-updated 2024 Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

NZ Telehealth – Guidelines for establishing Telemedicine

Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

NZ Telehealth – COVID-19 and Telehealth Provision for Health Providers

Policy, position statements and other examples to provide helpful context in relation to virtual consults

Reception Process and Script for Phone Booking Video Consult

Other 'how to guides' and examples of script, email templates, and terms and conditions

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